I remember what it was like to really
hate girls. They giggled and acted stupid. They whispered and kept secrets. They knew things I didn't. They
shut me out.
I remember what it was like to really hate women. Women who lied and cried. Stupid women
did that! Manipulative, hysterical, scheming women.
I remember what it was like. My first woman friend!
Seeming coincidences because we were women. A new world unfolding before my very eyes.
I remember
what it was like discovering that Sisterhood. That private club where mind spoke and mind listened, heart
understood heart, and soul communed with soul.
I remember what it was like to feel the special love of
woman to woman. To finally understand the secret language. To be included.
An Ode to Growing Older
This morning I woke up to one more day of growing older. I remember when I said I
never would. How rash.
My youth was spent in challenging the basic laws of nature, i.e., staying up until
all hours, burning candles at both ends. How rash.
I looked at those with poundage far in excess of their
need, and told myself I'd never fall to greed. How rash.
I dieted to stay the day when every wrinkle
had it's way and settled permanently there upon my brow. How rash.
But then the years collected and
those very things neglected 'turned to haunt me. Horrors, can this really be? How rash.
Now I wake up
and I'm grateful just to wake (boy, am I grateful), and I welcome all the aches and pains and farts. 'Cause I
know I'm gonna go on living day by single day, and I'll last as long as I can keep my parts. How rash!
Today Where are they now? All the great loves of my life. Perhaps I've loved too easily, Or sought
perfection midst the strife And never finding it, moved on. How many Bobs, or Franks, or Bills Have shared
with me delight? Maybe inspired a poem or two, Dreamed dreams by day and then by night, Only to wake, and say
so-long. In looking back it seems A thread has run throughout That breaks, picks up, and then Repeats
itself unendingly without A change in rhyme or song. I can't believe that's all There is for me; just
loving, Hurting, carrying on, and yet, When all is said and done, not learning All the lessons one by one.
For some I mourn. The rash decisions sometimes made in haste Removed them from my life. Reflecting
on the past I see the waste Of good men, left abruptly on their own. Where are they now, All the great
loves of my life? Within these pages, some. And though to one I now am wife, Within the confines of my heart
they all live on.
My Friend
Where is there, when will there be one with compassion, unconditional love for me? He was here once, recently,
my friend that spoke the language same as me.
Part intellect, part physical the attraction felt, that day. My
first impression marked him strange, or maybe even gay. As it turned out, he was some strange plus just
a little fey. And we were gay together, plus sad, angry, and glad. This interesting friendship which finally
drove me mad had started over puppies. He handled them with gentleness that so belied his size, six four of
tender strength was hid behind his eyes. We talked of many practical things and shared our wildest deals. We
even voiced some travel plans in separate homes on wheels. Traveling in tandem, a caravan of two for comfort and
for company we said. Oh! how I rue the fear that stilled my burning tongue. I never spoke the words that may
have bound him to my side, or scared him past imagining to flee away and hide. My honor and integrity forbade
my hearts desire, temptation gnawed away at me, hot dreams of erotic fire. From years of total celibacy, perhaps
inspired by, too, a cruel game was played you see. But who was cruel to who? Was he the player of the games, or
me? Say if you can. Other than my youngest named this was the only man who shared the wide diversity of my
Emotion Land. My son was my creation, all I meant for him to be, but someone else made this man, and made
him just for me. He came too late to my life, by some celestial joke. My honesty, my role of wife became a
tragic yoke to bear in silent wordless grief. My life controlled by fears that were relentless as a thief who
crept into my lonely heart to steal this joy so brief. My friend departed from my life without recrimination,
for never had there ever been an open declaration. No word from him these four long years no sight of him
to see. I do not shed the bitter tears that I would like to free from deep within my heart to ease my misery.
I wish that he would call one day so I could hear his voice. Who knows, today, what I would do had I again
a choice.
When I was a little girl My favorite people
in the whole world Were my uncles. Not my aunts. My uncles.
When I was a teenager My favorite people
in the whole world Were boys. Not girls. Boys.
When I became a woman My favorite people in the whole
world Were men. Not women. Men.
When I became an elder My favorite people in the whole world Became
people. ____________________